RAD! Residencies

Thursday, September 12
Doors: 7pm
Reading: 7:30pm
at 2220 Arts+Archives



RAD! Residencies and the Poetic Research Bureau present a reading with C. Francis Fisher, Feliz Lucia Molina, and Daisy Elizeth Magallanes. Hosted by Andrea Quaid.


C. Francis Fisher is a poet and translator. Her work has appeared in The Yale Review, BOMB Magazine, and The Los Angeles Review of Books, among others. She has been supported by scholarships from the Bread Loaf Writers Conference and Brooklyn Poets. Her first book of translations, In the Glittering Maw, appeared from World Poetry in May 2024. 

Feliz Lucia Molina is the author of Undercastle and Roulette and a coauthor of The Wes Letters. Her writing has appeared in Jacket2, Fence, PEN America, Poetry Foundation, and others, and has been supported by Guggenheim Museum, SF MOMA, and MacDowell. She holds an MFA in Poetry from Brown and MSW from University of Chicago. She lives in Los Angeles where she was born and raised and works as a psychotherapist. 

Daisy Elizeth Magallanes (she/they) is a Chicana poet, writer, and translator born and raised in Los Ángeles. Their work has been published or is forthcoming in Acid Verse Literary Journal, the Black Warrior ReviewBrevity, Huizache and Hypertext Magazine. When they're not hanging out with their cat, Barthelme and chihuahua, Buddy they can be found sorting through archives. 


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