BUSTED! A Critical Conversation Series, part 2
top left: Marsha P. Johnson; bottom: Ana Mendieta; top right: an image from the 1992 LA riots
BUSTED! A Critical Conversation Series, part 2
Saturday, April 8
BUSTED! a critical conversation series --> aims to invigorate a community of artists, writers, activists, citizens, conformists, and anti-conformists about the state of work through the ever-refracting prism of power. Race, gender, and money form how we consider the state of art and labor in our lives. Questions will drive the conversation series --> there will be no easy answers. BUSTED! participants will have the opportunity to engage in a dyads, small groups, and large forums to explore and explode the following questions -->
How is your (art, political, spiritual) work impacted by money? How do we disrupt traditional forms of power as we make our work? What concrete and material forms might these disruptions take?
BUSTED! part 1 began in January 2023 & conversations continues & evolves in April 2023 with BUSTED! part 2 --> connection & conversation inform the BUSTED! series and the critical praxis we bring to the work. No need to have attended BUSTED! part 1, all are welcome --> BUSTED! wants to hear your voice, no matter race / class / gender / nationality / power / positionality / show up & speak up
Brought by Artificial Congress
Co-facilitated by: Boafoa Offei Darko, Corey Wilson, and Tanissia Sprull
This is an all ages event