VILLAINY Online Book Launch

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The Poetic Research Bureau presents an online book launch for

VILLAINY by Andrea Abi-Karam

with Jackie Ess & Fargo Tbakhi


Sunday, October 10, 4pm PST/7pm EST

Register Here

a link to the Zoom event will be sent to you prior to the reading


Andrea Abi-Karam is a trans, arab-american punk poet-performer cyborg and author of EXTRATRANSMISSION (Kelsey Street Press, 2019), a poetic critique of the U.S. military’s role in the War on Terror. With Kay Gabriel, they co-edited We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics (Nightboat Books, 2020). Simone White selected their second assemblage, Villainy, as winner of the NOS Prize which was recently released by Nightboat Books. They are a leo obsessed with queer terror and convertibles.

Jackie Ess is a novelist, the author of Darryl (Clash, 2021), which is her first book, of hopefully many. That's the main thing you ought to know about her for now. You can find other bits of writing here and there, or just visit her on twitter @jackie_ess. Darryl is a meditation on, among other things, meditation, marriage, manhood, basketball, sobriety, trans this and that, 70s jazz, Walt Whitman, opera, space rock, and the secret lives of Oregonians. It's also the story of one man, Darryl, who awakens in some small way as he explores the cuckolding and swinging lifestyle. It can happen anywhere.

Fargo Tbakhi is a queer Palestinian performance artist, a Taurus, and a cool breeze. Find more at


Readings are supported by a Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts 2021 Organizational Support Grant.


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