Rosie Stockton, Carlos Lara with Ceremonial Abyss, Jeremy Kennedy

The Poetic Research Bureau presents…


Friday, November 12


Rosie Stockton is the author of Permanent Volta (Nightboat Books 2021) which was the recipient of the 2019 Sawtooth Prize. Their poems have been published by Social Text Journal, Jubilat, Apogee, The Poetry Project, and WONDER. They are currently a PhD Student in the Department of Gender Studies at UCLA.

Carlos Lara was formerly a poet/translator and is now strictly a translator. His translation of Blanca Varela’s Canto villano (Rough Song) was published by The Song Cave in 2020, and his translation of her Ejercicios materiales (Material Exercises) is forthcoming from Black Sun Lit in 2023. He was also the poet behind Like Bismuth When I Enter (Nightboat, 2020) and The Green Record (Apostrophe, 2018) and the co-author, with Will Alexander, of The Audiographic As Data (Oyster Moon, 2016). He has lived in Brooklyn, Washington state, Rhode Island, and Saudi Arabia, and he currently resides with his wife and son in Los Angeles. With the advent of his latest book, Subconscious Colossus (Schism Press [UK], 2021), he has retired from poetry. He is currently working on several groundbreaking translations.

Ceremonial Abyss is a sound designer and composer currently living in the Pacific Northwest. He is an occasional contributor to contemporary journals.

Since the late 1990s, Jeremy Kennedy (b. 01.01.1980) has been creating and exhibiting art and ideas in both community and academic settings, with a focus on the power of collaboration. Before moving to Los Angeles in 2009, the largely self-taught artist spent over a decade living and working in Bloomington, Indiana. His pieces and projects have been featured in publications and journals internationally, and in galleries, streets, backyards, and basements across the U.S. Kennedy is also an active sound-maker, co-founder, playwright, and reluctant performer with P/Sicho Street Theater Company, and is a founding editor of the artbook/poetry imprint Rebel Hands Press. Previous titles include: A Gamble In This Dress (2021),“Free Flyer!” (Volume One) (2020), Cry List (Contributing essayist / co-editor - 2019), NOTE TO SEA (with Aaron Beasley - 2017), “Lil’ Help?: A Charming yet Challenged version of the American Masculine Kitchen (with Mark Rice - 2016), Street Terms (with Elaina Morgan - 2016), There’s a wrong time for everything (2015)


Readings are supported by a Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts 2021 Organizational Support Grant.


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