RAD! Residency

Friday, September 2



RAD! Residency presents a poetry reading with Tisa Bryant, Janet Sarbanes, and Allison Yasukawa.


Tisa Bryant (MFA, Brown 2004) makes work that often traverses the boundaries of genre, culture and history. Unexplained Presence (Leon Works, 2007), her first full-length book, is a collection of original, hybrid essays that remix narratives from film, literature and visual arts and zoom in on the black presences operating within them. An excerpt from her novella, [the curator], was published by Belladonna Books in 2009, in a companion volume with writer Chris Kraus. She is also the author of the chapbook, Tzimmes (A+Bend Press, 2000), a prose poem collage of narratives including a Barbados genealogy, a Passover seder and a film by Yvonne Rainer. She is interested in archives, hybrid forms, mythologies, ethnicity and innovation, the interdependence of experimental and conventional fiction, cinematic novels and ekphrastic writing. Bryant’s writing has appeared in Evening Will Come, Mandorla, Mixed Blood, in the ‘zine, Universal Remote: Meditations on the Absence of Michael Jackson and in the catalogues and solo shows of visual artists Laylah Ali, Jaime Cortez, Wura-Natasha Ogunji and Cauleen Smith. She is co-editor, with Ernest Hardy, of War Diaries, an anthology of black gay male desire and survival, from AIDS Project Los Angeles, which was nominated Best LGBTQ anthology by the LAMBDA Literary Awards. She is also co-editor/publisher of the hardcover cross-referenced literary/arts series, The Encyclopedia Project, which recently released Encyclopedia Vol. 2 F-K.

Allison Yasukawa is an interdisciplinary maker and deep language nerd. As both an artist and educator, decoloniality, sociolinguistics, critical language awareness, translation studies, and Asian American Studies circulate in her work. She is invested in what communication scholar Joanne Gilbert calls "heckling the status quo.” In her practice, she investigates asymmetries of power in language and interaction and examines crossings of various kinds, from the personal to the global. Allison is currently working on a book on art/design education and language learning that calls into question the racialization of creative practice and meaning-making priorities that continue to be reinscribed in many educational contexts. Websites: allisonyasukawa.com & languagingart.design

Janet Sarbanes is the author of a new work of hybrid theory, Letters on the Autonomy Project (punctum books), which explores the relation between avant-garde art and radical politics through the lens of autonomy. The recipient of a 2017 Creative Capital/Andy Warhol Foundation art writer’s grant, she has published art criticism and other critical writing in museum catalogues, anthologies and journals. She has also published two short story collections: Army of One (Otis Books) and The Protester Has Been Released (C & R Press). She lives in Los Angeles and teaches at CalArts.

This is an all ages event


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