Language Garden

Language Garden (Season 2)
A Season of Readings, Workshops, & Living Matters to take place in the Future Garden

Installment no. 6

Performance and noise by Céline Brunko
and word and text by Cyrus Dunham and Tom Comitta
and Language Garden and Crows Bar


Sunday, September 22
at David Horvitz’s 7th Ave. Garden
1911 7th Ave., Los Angeles, CA


Céline Brunko is a multidisciplinary artist, living and working in Zurich (Switzerland) and Los Angeles. Her video, audio and object-based works mainly deal with themes such as architecture, land use, mining and new materiality. In her work she uses speculative narratives as a method to create a possible future scenario. Céline’s current practice focuses on exploring the material aspects of land and urban space and its transformation. For the text and sound-based performance she will make a setting with collected materials from the garden and activates her research practice live.

Cyrus Dunham is a writer who lives in Los Angeles.

Tom Comitta is the author of The Nature Book and two others forthcoming in 2025: Patchwork (Coffee House), a picaresque novella made from fragments of hundreds of classic novels, and People’s Choice Literature: The Most Wanted and Unwanted Novels (Columbia University Press), a two-novel volume inspired by Komar and Melamid’s and Dave Soldier’s poll-driven art and music projects. They live in Los Angeles.


Gabrielle Civil